Re: [gtk-list] Re: announce: yet another gtk+ C++ wrapper (no caps as Owen suggest)

Mario Motta <> writes:

> I know the opinion of Guillame that in early stages and privatly tried to
> convince me to make VDK on gtk-- top, technically can be done but
> i guess that if it's a difficult task to track Gtk+ development what should be
> follow gtk-- that follows Gtk+ ?

Mostly trivial, if done properly. VDK classes would just inherit Gtk--
classes, maintenance would be minimal.

> Personally  (and no claims here) i prefer the Karl Nelson idea of hierarchy:
> 1. Gtk+ for hackers

Come on. Gtk-- and VDK also can be for hackers :-) .

> 2. mixed gtk--/VDK for middle range
> 3. VDK for top level works 
> I think that level 2 is feasible with shared libs.

I *really* doubt it. And it would be rather pointless to have two
unrelated widget sets at hand since they wouldn't have any inheritance
relationship at all.

> The "odd" way to manage signal/events that Christof Petig mentioned
> about VDK is an advantage now because two paradigms does not
> interfere.

Precisely, they *can't* interfere. So you'd have two different
connection methods, depending on whether a widget is a Gtk-- or a VDK


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