Re: [gtk-list] Re: announce: yet another gtk+ C++ wrapper (no caps as Owen suggest)

On Sat, 12 Sep 1998, Guillaume Laurent wrote:
>Mario Motta <> writes:
>> Personally  (and no claims here) i prefer the Karl Nelson idea of hierarchy:
>> 1. Gtk+ for hackers
>Come on. Gtk-- and VDK also can be for hackers :-) .
hi Guillame,
if you 
persist on your idea perhaps i will VDKfy gtk-- :-)

Speaking philosophically: i know gtk-- and i like that
Signal => SignalProxy approach, one of the best i saw since
i use and study GUI (yes was in 1986 with M$ SDK 2.0
and those flat black&white Athena Widgets, i'm more old
than you could believe) but we are programmers and let's be
- you say that gtk-- is a "thin" layer above Gtk+, if a remember well is as large as, what you mean "thin" ?
- we should know what benefits a wrapper gives related to wrapped,
- wich is the code reduction factor ? 
- How many lines need a test-wrapper program related to testgtk?
- how is fast in signal dispatching ? 
- how much is safe against those acrobatics pointer conversions that gtk+ do ?
(if you want i can show you how gtk+ is able to erase and substitute with a
GtkWidget* the famous "this" hidden first arg of C++ member call)
- and so on..
Continuing to discuss without those type of information is useless and better
to continue to speak philosophically:
- is my personal opinion (and i read something about during this thread) that
the gtk-- makers were so satisfied with that signal mechanism that stopped to
use C++ as C++ and used it only as a better C, that was a short track and made
unuseless to do examples and tests mainly because they would have resulted in a
gtk+ clones. 
- Having gtk+ documentation and applying names conversion is enough easy to
use gtk--, but in my opinion a wrapper should make something more, for instance
the core of M$ API is made of about 1000 functions, the VCL core (a C++
wrapper)  allows the user make same things with not more than 200 mantaining
same flexibility and same speed and being much more safe.

very friendly

Mario Motta
AI Research Group - Rimini

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