Re: [gtk-list] VDK & Gtk--, was: yet another gtk+ C++ wrapper

On Thu, 10 Sep 1998, Christof Petig wrote:
> Besides that gtk-- needs some fresh air (doku and example programs are really
> needed). How many people are involved in gtk--'s development? Four, Five? Count
> me in. Are there any apps? 

Guppi -

Also uses Gnome--. The latest source is much nicer than the tarball there,
too. Will be out RSN.

Gtk-- doesn't have too much documentation because it's basically the same
as Gtk+, so you can use that documentation, such as it is. It does have a
reasonable reference based on //: special comments in the code.

I think VDK sounds like a fine thing. There's no harm in experimenting
with other ways to do the C++ wrapper. It can be productive.

Gtk: trading GUI library bloat for language wrapper bloat. You too can
have ten wrapper libraries in memory at once. ;-)


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