misc gtk mis-understandings

Can't develop my server without a client and am stuck on the client.

I feel my client is commented very well and the code is quite clean. There
is a bug in it somewhere I've been unable to find although I've gone
through it line by line 4 times or so. I think the problems lies somewhere
withing a GTK call that I just don't understand and am doing wrong. The
mistake might be quite clear to someone with experience.

The bug wasn't discovered till I realized uncommenting an if statement
that isn't important at all caused my program to seg fault.

I am hoping someone out there with a clear understanding of GTK might be
willing to help/ contribute to my game Robo Rally. (you'll get your name
in the credits) by finding whatever it is that I am doing wrong.

I suspect me trying to do things like this:

    gdk_pixmap = gdk_pixmap_create_from_xpm_d(
            mother->gui.main_window->window, &mask,
            &style->bg[GTK_STATE_NORMAL], cardtype7_xpm);
            gdk_pixmap, NULL);
    mother->gui.next_card.program[ctr].image = gdk_pixmap;
That last line is ok right?

Robo Rally client/server (wanting help with client)

Travis Loyd
[email: lelandg@usa.net							]
[other: s201635@mail.nwmissouri.edu					]
[  pgp: send email with subject: sendmepgp				]

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