Okay, newbie here

First off, please forgive the stupid question. I program C in text mode, and
I'm trying to learn GTK so I can do GUI stuff. I'm used to VB5, for

I'm doing a program where the user will select a combo box, enter some text,
check (or not) a checkbox, then press "Do it!" and normally in vb5 I'd do
something like this:

private sub cmdDoIt_click
	dim myString as string
	myString = "pgpv "
	if me.chkAddKeys.value = vbChecked then myString = myString & " -K "
	myString = myString & " -o " & me.txtOutFile & " " & me.txtInFile
	shell myString
end sub

Now, I can't find in any documentation how I refer to a window, per se. How do
I get the value of a textbox in the same window I'm in? Or refer to another
window? Do I have to keep some kinda linked list to keep tabs on my controls,
windows, etc..?

Again, thanks for any help.

Chris Wiegand

'If Bill Gates had a dime for every time Windows crashed...
 ... Oh wait a minute, he already does...' - Anonymous

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