adding an additional pointer to a treeitem


I'm quite new to this list and to Gtk too and have a small problem.

I've created a gtk_tree widget where I need to add tree item widgets at
runtime. Together with the item structure I'd like to store an
additional information (a string) for each tree item and need therefore
an additional pointer. I know that I can add all widgets to a
gtk_tree_item and that the default one is a label. Now, beside this
label I would like to store this additional pointer.

I know how to do this in C++ or other OO languages, but I have no
simple idea how I can do this in C using Gtk. Could anyone please help

Thanks a lot.

 _____  _   _  _____
(  _  )( ) ( )(  _  )                       PENGUINS ARE COOL
| (_) || |/'/ | (_) |
|  _  || , <  |  _  | ---------------------------------------
| | | || |\ \ | | | |
(_) (_)(_) (_)(_) (_)

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