Re: [gtk-list] Re: interface questions/proposals

Rob Browning wrote:
> Raj Dutt <> writes:
> > where the scroll buttons are on the bottom.. this may take some
> > getting used to but is really a timesaver. i
> Actually my favorite approach is to pair the scroll arrows together in
> the center of the thumb (or on one end, top or bottom), and have the
> cursor move with the thumb while you're scrolling (by holding down one
> of the arrows).
> This means that you have "one stop shopping" for all scrolling motion.
> For example, if you want to go to a particular location, you click the
> middle mouse on the scroll bar at that location -- the thumb jumps
> there and the arrows with it, leaving the cursor in exactly the right
> position to make fine adjustments with the arrows.
> I've forgotten which GUI did this, but I have seen it before.

OpenLook.  The feature that moves the mouse by itself is REALLY
ANNOYING (almost as much as fvwm when opening the menu). I would 
never use a system that moves the mouse pointer without me actually
moving the mouse.

... MouseDevice "/dev/null"

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