RE: [gtk-list] Re: Gtk--:Problem with ColorSelectionDialog!

>Seems that this had too little access to the internal structure. :(
>I added support for those in colorselectiondialog and inputdialog.
>All the dialogs seemed to have the same problem, cept file selection
>dialog... (is there any other places which need access to internal
That's great!
>The new version is (very soon) in the cvs, if you need it immediately,
>take it from there - the changes will be in next version. (not
>releasing it yet.. :)

Fine, only does anyone know where to get a binary distribution of cvs for Linux.
I've found only source distribs of around 1.6M, that is quite a long download...

>Thanks for finding more problems.

Ah, there's one small thing I've found when I wanted to put a pixmap in a
button, I inherited the Button and had a 

private: Gtk_Pixmap pix;

in the class,
and in the constructor it needs some initialization like
ColorButton( blabla):pix(pixmap,mask) {...}

Only this pixmap and mask are unknown and I find them out when I read the pixmap
file. So I just used pix(NULL,NULL) . It compiles fine, but gives a runtime
warning. So now I have a pointer to the Pixmap. I don't know, but would it
be possible to have an empty constructor for a Pixmap and the like?

Thanks for coding so much...


Maybe I'll find some more, 

E-Mail: Oliver Freyd <>
Date: 05-Mar-98
Time: 19:41:46

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