Re: [gtk-list] Re: Excuse me for mentioning the unmentionable, but...

Brett W. McCoy wrote:
> > As for the practicality of such a thing, well there's the rub. From
> > my limited experience of writing Windoze 3.11 programs with the pure
> > API as described (rather well) in Charles Petzold's book, I'd say that
> > such cross-portability is a pipe dream.
> I'm currently studying the Win95 API (in Petzold's updated book), and the
> underlying programming interface is still the same, using the plain ol' C
> style of Windows programming (OWl or MFC is a different story).  There's
> still the WinMain function, as well as the WinProc callback and all of
> those windows registration requirements and the message handling with the
> long switch statements.  I imagine a lot of this could be hidden within a
> GTK port, but you can't get around the WinMain/WinProc requirement, so it
> wuld require some tailoring to do recompiling from X to Windows in that
> regard.

Actually there are some very nice examples of windows programs _without_ 
WinMain/WinProc in a book called "Undocumented Windows". 
Not sure about the author, but you probably could  find it in Amazon.

It was done using ordimary C main that called about three 
initialization functions. That seems also to be one of Windows' secrets

But I don't think porting GTK to windows would be very worthwile - if 
you want gimp on windows, port gimp, if you want portable programs use 
wxWindows (and get Mac and OS/2 in addition to GTK and Windows)


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