Re: A bug in GtkCombo, and a moan about it!

Steve Hosgood <> writes:

> The bug may be really a bug in GtkList: When the button on the
> combo-box is pressed, a list of options appears. However, when you click
> on one of the options, your keypress doesn't get "eaten" by the list, and
> whatever happened to be "under" the list also gets the click!

Key press or button press? In any case, I can't seem to reproduce
this with testgtk - do you have an example or step-by-step recipe
for this?

> I'm using Gtk 1.0.4 on Red Hat Linux 4.2.

> Am I alone in thinking that GtkCombo's behaviour is a bit weird, in that
> it pops down the option-list when the arrow is *clicked*? I reckon that
> it would be nicer if it did so when the arrow is *pressed* so that the
> user could drag the mouse (still with its button pressed) to the required
> option and that that option would be selected when the button is *released*.
> I know this is the way Windoze works, but surely that's no reason for
> GtkCombo to do it differently? It seems more intuitive to allow the press-
> drag-release mode of operation as it takes fewer clicks by the user.

You'll be happy to know that it currently works this way in the
1.1 branch.


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