Re: [gtk-list] Re: An application repository on

* "GTK.Mailinglist.account" <
| > > d3) Mailinglist (if any)
| > > d4) faq (if any)
| > I like these two.
| As long as the faq is only in the form of a pointer... theoretically
| it should be on the homepage. I do agree that the subscription address

yes, but not everybody has a homepage (even though they are a dying
species). Therefore it would be great with a link to a place where one
could pick up the faq. (i.e. the location at a sunsite place if the
program only resides there).

| for a mailinglist would be a good thing to have on there.

Preben Randhol                    | Affliction is enamoured of thy parts,
Tlf    73940929/(735)94076 [arb]  | And thou art wedded to calamity.
Email            |      |                     - W. Shakespeare

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