Re: [gtk-list] Re: Removing old version of GTK

John Looney writes:
 > Ar Wed, Aug 19, 1998 at 09:19:59AM -0400, scriofa Jamie Gerdes:
 > > I just grabbed GTK+ 1.0.5 so that I could install Gimp on my machine..
 > > When I went to install Gimp, the configure saw I was running 1.05
 > > (that's good), but it also found version 1.0.1 (that's bad).  I'm an
 > > amateur user here, and could really use some help on how I go about
 > > removing v1.0.1 of GTK.  Can anyone explain...I don't even know where to
 > > start looking.
 >  What I've done is:
 > 1) Blasted away all rememnants of GTK GDK and GLIB in all it's forms.
 > 2) Install the RPM/DEB of the latest versions (and listen to any complaints)
 > 3) Then, if you want any other versions (like 1.1.1), stick them in a
 >     different directory (/usr/gnome/lib/ in my case). Then, when you want
 >     to build an app with these new ones, instead of the old ones, you can
 >     just take /usr/gnome/bin to the front of the $PATH when it calls
 >     gtk-config to find the location of the GTK libs.

This is good advice, but I would say that you should install to 


or even beter,


This is because /usr is for things that come with your OS and not
3rd party things which you add by hand.  I don't know about RH, but
Debian strongly recommends (as do the FS standards) that you put all
stuff that you compile and install in /usr/local.  

 >  If you are wondering how to get rid of the old versions, they always live
 > in /usr or /usr/local unless you stuck them elsewhere yourself. So, if you
 > installed them via source:
 >  rm -rf /usr/include/gtk /usr/local/include/gtk
 >  rm -rf /usr/include/gdk /usr/local/include/gdk
 >  rm -rf /usr/include/glib /usr/local/include/glib
 >  rm -rf /usr/lib/libgtk* /usr/local/lib/gtk*
 >  rm -rf /usr/lib/libgdk* /usr/local/lib/gdk*
 >  rm -rf /usr/lib/libglib* /usr/local/lib/glib*

This should only be done if you did NOT use a package manager to
install them in the first place.

 >  Now you know it's all gone, then do a make install from the source tree of
 > the version you really want to keep. Running ldconfig afterwards is also
 > cunning.
 >  If you installed them via RPM/DEB do a 
 >     rpm -qa |grep gtk
 >     rpm --erase <whatever the prev told you>
 >     rpm -qa |grep glib
 >     rpm --erase <whatever the prev told you>
 >  (or whatever)

For debian you would do:

	dpkg -l | egrep "g[td]k|glib|imlib"

to check to see what is gtk/gdk/glib/imlib stuff is still arround.

Even better is just to do:

	apt-get install <name of packages you want> 

and apt-get will make sure to remove the old ones and install the new
ones includeing ones that depend on the ones you want but didn't
explicitly mention.

 >  And then do the previous one, which gets rid of anything else. Linux isn't
 > really immune from the Windows "My machine crashes because different apps
 > installed different libraries" problem, but at least you can recover from
 > it.

Thank God!, err, Thank Linus!

 > John


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