Re: [gtk-list] Re: Q's: Animation & GTK Markup Language

On Fri, 10 Apr 1998, you wrote:

>yes.. the idea weas good.. the implimentation wasn't 100% perfect... :)

 As usual :))

>Obviously you didn't run some of the OS patches.. :) 

 Not true..... my whole system had been only a patch :))
>the os had a patch
 function in the os roms to re-route the jump
>table for the OS function
 call in roms off to another address

 right so far....

>which is effectively patching an
 os function call to be one of your own.. you
>could patch any/all
 funciton calls and thus completely rteplace the os

 That's not true.... You cannot replace functions beeing already in 
 use by another library... that's why most of the execbase's calls 
 are kinda untouchable....

>(it's how you could
 speed up the os by moving the os into ram form rom -
>it's faster to
 run the code off fastram)

 That's the only reason I needed my MMU in the 68030 :))

>there were several/many os patches
>that did
 this kind of thing to change the look of the gui, add
intercept stuff and filter/modify it etc. :)

 The best program so far is MCP. I really liked it. It had only
 1 disadvantage: it had made my system more instable...


 Kinda joke I can't really laugh about? :))



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