Re: sigsegv caught when I click a button.

Michael Oswell writes:
>Hi.. I appear to be having a problem with the button in gtk.  I only
>started programming with it about two days ago, and for seom reason,
>whenever I click on a button, it sigsegv's.  I've attached the code
>and the machine that I am running on... Any help would be greatly

I think I found your problem.  I thought I saw a similar problem here
a few days ago...

>void new_alias(GtkWidget *widget, gpointer *data)
>  GtkWidget *new_alias;
>  new_alias = gtk_button_new_with_label ("New Alias");
>  gtk_signal_connect(GTK_OBJECT(new_alias), "clicked", GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC (new_alias), (gpointer) "New Alias");
                                 ^^^^^^^^^                               ^^^^^^^^^

How is the C compiler supposed to know which definition of new_alias
you want?  It will always use the local-scope definition, and it means
that you are trying to call the address of a button widget as a function.



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