Re: [gtk-list] Re: Q's: Animation & GTK Markup Language

Derek Simkowiak wrote:
> > ->    The Amiga was incredible at that sort of thing.
> >
> > yup. Why is it everyone compares to "what micorsoft windows does" or
>         My favorite was being able to "drag" down an entire
> desktop/program, and seeing the other desktop/apps behind it.  The
> animation was oh so smooth...  and that was just my 256K Amiga 1000!

Well naturally it was smooth, as there was no blitting at all behind it.
It was simply a case of changing the registers that the refresh hardware
used to find the video memory at the appropriate scanline, because as I
recall there was no problem dragging down a screen to expose another
screen running in a different video mode behind it.

But yes, it was way cool.


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