Re: [gtk-list] Re: Q's: Animation & GTK Markup Language

On  9 Apr, Derek Simkowiak shouted:
->  > ->  	The Amiga was incredible at that sort of thing.
->  > 
->  > yup. Why is it everyone compares to "what micorsoft windows does" or
->  	My favorite was being able to "drag" down an entire 
->  desktop/program, and seeing the other desktop/apps behind it.  The
->  animation was oh so smooth...  and that was just my 256K Amiga 1000! 

ahh yes.. the silky-smooth hardware scolling and the copper.. ooh i
loved hand-coding my own copper lists.. :)

->  	Okay, enough of that crap.  Back to work.  (but Thank god there's

What enough of reminiscing? BAH! never enuf! ooh i remembr my amiga1200
with 6mb of ram.. running 800x600.. WB3.0 it still makes most desktops
look ugly! :) I did serious 3d modellign and animation on that box! no
virtual memory! 68020+68881FPU at 14Mhz.. now.. I'm waiitng for the
quad PPC300Mhz G3 Amigas to hit the streets....... :)

->  no corporate entity to drag Linux down into the dirt--for once, technology
->  gets to stand on its own.)
->  D.

--------------- Codito, ergo sum - "I code, therefore I am" --------------------       /\___ /\ ___/||\___ ____/|/\___
Carsten Haitzler           | _ //__\\ __||_ __\\ ___|| _ /  Red Hat Advanced
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