Re: Patch for gtk_dialog

Included From: Owen Taylor <>: 

> That doesn't give me a lot of confidence that the
> WM_TRANSIENT_FOR should be blanket set on all GtkDialogs.
> (I would be quite upset if my Layers dialog didn't get decorated ;-)

Ok, I guess I agree with this, but I don't see why gtk has
GTK_WINDOW_DIALOG, which means "has WM_TRANSIENT_FOR set" and
gtk_dialog which means something completely different, which, in fact,
cannot easily have GTK_WINDOW_DIALOG set as it's type.  Maybe
GTK_WINDOW_DIALOG should be changed to GTK_WINDOW_TRANSIENT instead.

> Note that there is another way that generally works to specify
> that a window should be mapped without user interaction
>  gtk_window_position (GTK_DIALOG(window), GTK_WIN_POS_MOUSE)

I have not found that this works.  My first attempt at trying to get
the progress bars on various plugins to map themselves without
requiring my placing them used this and it did not work.  The file
selection dialog also requires that I manually place it.  I don't mind
FileSel so much, but having to manually place 30-50 progress bars when
running through a script-fu is really annoying.  They should clearly be
transients, if for no other reason because they are status bars.

Christopher A. Craig <>
"Death comes to those who wait" Christopher Craig
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