Re: Small bug in configure script?

Owen Taylor wrote:
> Jim Harmon <> writes:
> > For the lsat (3) releases of GTK (and GIMP) that I've downloaded, the
> > configure scripts completely ignore the "--enable-debug=NO" modifier.
> >
> > I've had to manually delete every occurance of the "-g" Flag from the
> > configure and files to be able to compile without the debug
> > flag set.
> First, if you are saying --enable-debug=NO, it will be completely
> ignored. That should be --enable-debug=no (note case), or more simply
> --disable-debug.

(The upcase was only for this discussion, I use lowercase in the actual

> But that will not suppress the -g flags. The maintainers of autoconf
> apparently have a stake in hard drive manufacturers, so the effect
> (on CFLAGS) will simply be to add the -O2 flag.

The default behavior, in all cases short of actual deletion of "-g" in
all occurances, has been the generation of 

	CFLAGS = " -g -O2"

> Try:
>   CFLAGS=-O2 ./configure --disable-debug


	appears to have -no- effect on my system.  :(

> But really, I don't recommend --disable-debug. It makes things
> a fair bit faster, but until GTK and all GTK apps are bug
> free, --enable-debug=minimum, the default, is probably a better
> choice:
>   CFLAGS=-O2 ./configure

>From what I've seen in the configure script, it will still insert the
"-g" in the CFLAGS setting, regardless of the environment setting on the

It's been entirely too frustrating.  :(

> (And if you are developing GTK applications, you will do yourself
>  a huge favor by compiling with --enable-debug/--enable-debug=yes,
>  which adds a lot of checks that cause your bugs to be caught
>  immediately, instead of having GTK segfault in some obscure place)

As I haven't developed anything yet, and the debug option increases my
executables by as much as 250%, I don't have room for the "default"
setting, even with a minimum debug setting.

> Regards,
>                                         Owen

Thanks for the fast reply tho, sometimes, I think messages are getting
lost on the list.  Especially when it has taken up to 2 days for some
messages to post in the recent past!  :)

   Jim Harmon                           The Telephone Connection                          Rockville, Maryland

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