[bug] GTK November 97: File dialog bug :(

Some weeks/ months ago I thought that the File/Open bugs in GIMP were
all gone, but now I've found that there's still a problem with all GTK
file dialogs, unless it has been patched since the beginning of Nov. :(

I've seen it manifest itself in various ways, but this one seems to work
(nearly) every single time...
Try this in GIMP's File/Open or in the testgtk file dialog:

1) Choose the root directory / of your file systems, I did this by
   repeatedly picking "../" from the list, but just typing in / will do

2) Choose ./ (yeah, the current directory) a *few times*, and an error
   message appears saying that it can't read the directory!

3) Chose ./ a few more times, and watch your swap fill up as GTK
   allocates endless quantities of memory, then inevitably, SEGVs

I remember that GTK file dialogs are full of wizardry to implement
TAB completion and I expect that something in there is broken, so can
anyone offer a patch or at least confirmation that this is a problem
on other installs of GTK?

Otherwise, sorry, I don't understand this bit of GTK well enough to
track down bugs in it :(

Nick Lamb

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