[gtk-list] Re: Re: <--- GOOD!

On Fri, May 02, 1997 at 01:43:28PM -0500, Alan Shutko wrote:
> The list just started and already half the traffic is on whether or
> not to munge the subject.... argh.  I say add the stupid subject
> things to shut people up and distribute procmail recipes to eliminate
> it for those who don't use Gnus.
> >>>>> "M" == Matthew Kirkwood <weejock@ferret.lmh.ox.ac.uk> writes:
> M> Pah!  I receive ~200 a day, mostly from lists, and the ones which
> M> don't have useful tags are a problem. 
> Joy, now it's a mail volume war.  IMHO, if you're getting 200 messages
> a day, you should switch to a mail reader designed for high volume.  I
> get twice your volume and don't have a problem.

Well, everyone can just stop now... it's done.


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