Re: [gtk-list] Documenting GTK

> I have been thinking about writing a set of CGI scripts which would allow
> us to document GTK calls on the web.  The general idea is that there would
> be a web page that you could search for a gtk function on, then edit and
> submit the documentation for the call right there.  The changes/additions
> would appear immeadiately on the web site.

Why not write a CGI script that allows people to sign up to do the
documentation for a widget/source file? (or just coordinate things
manually) ... TexInfo is pretty ugly, but it's not too hard to write
when you have examples to work from.  Peter has done a significant
amount of work already on the TexInfo stuff and it's probably a better
source for conversions to other formats than HTML. I think if we
divied up the task of documentating the 70 or so widgets, we could
have the task done pretty quickly.

On the other hand, any work on documentation is useful.


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