Experimental Anon-CVS Access

Hi all,

I was getting mildy perturbed because I no longer had anonymous
CVS access and all sort of neat stuff is being announced, but
I couldn't get at it easily.  I am not an "official" Gnome developer
yet, but I want to be soon when I have more time - so I needed

So I did something about it.  I already had a user account on
debian.novare.net where the CVS repository is, so I decided to
set up a 4-times daily cron script to rsync a copy over to
my server.

On an experimental basis, I've decided to open my copy of the
CVS repository to anonymous access.  If the load on my server
is too great, I may shut it down again.

To try it out:

$ export CVSROOT=':pserver:anonymous@jimpick.com:/opt/gnome/cvsroot'
$ cvs login
(there is no password, just hit return)
$ cvs -z9 checkout gnome
(or gimp, gimp-data-extras, gimp-data-min, gtk+)

Please use the -z9 option to minimize network bandwidth.

Longer term, I want to investigate ctm and cvsup (like the FreeBSD
folks use).  That way, everybody could have a copy of the


 - Jim

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