Re: [gtk-i18n-list] Need help

I found an old discussion that DevanagariMT bundled to older
Mac OS X was not OpenType but TrueType/GX.

Pango may not render correct Indic text with TrueType/GX fonts.
There is a free OpenType for Devanagari (see the article in above),
please try to check if your issue is font-specific or library-specific.


suzuki toshiya wrote:

Could you post more detailed info on your platform?
DevanagariMT is the font bundled to Mac OS X?
If so, you're working on Mac OS X? Which version?
Could you check if Indic layout module of Pango is loaded?


Gurpreet Singh Sachdeva wrote:

I am trying to generate images on the fly with hindi text.

I am using pango-view with following command:
pango-view --font="DevanagariMT 12px" --width=150 -q --backend=cairo --output=hindi.jpg hindi-input.txt

The current output is attached.
The problem I am facing is that choti ‘e’ matra is rendered incorrectly after the letter i.e. you will see दलि instead of दिल

I have following packages installed:
pango 1.28.1
ImageMagick 6.5.2

Can you help me resolving this issue?

Thanks & Regards,
Gurpreet Singh


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