Re: [gtk-i18n-list] Unicode PUA supporting issue in gtk+/pango

On Tue, 20 Dec 2005 12:49:59 +0800
"Arne Götje (高 慌Ú)" <arne linux org tw> wrote:

>> >And and it will still be a long time until CJK Ext. C comes out. And
>> >even after that the PUA and Plane 15/16 areas will still be used for
>> >temprary storage of characters which are not yet or will never be in
>> >Unicode...
>> Please let me know more about the characters that
>> "will never be in Unicode".

>For example: Taiwanese POJ uses some latin characters with (stacked) 
>diacritcs which don't have a precomposed form in Unicode.

>Further I plan to use it for Han characters which are used in 
>Taiwanese and Hakka languages and which are not even planned in CJK 
>Ext. C.

Thank you for detailed explanation.

>>I think you say "if gtk+/pango passes PUA charcode transparently
>>to the font layer, it's enough, no code-conversion issue occurs."
>>My understanding is right? If so, how do we descriminate:
>>the fonts which provides expected Hanzi glyph for PUA codepoint,
>>and the fonts which uses PUA for other purpose?
>There is no need to descriminate. Users who expect special characters in 
>PUA areas have to use special fonts which provide the correct glyphs. 
>And usually teh users know which fonts provide the expected glyphs.

Oops. I think you say:
	if one cares about Hanzi in PUA,
	he must know which font is required.
	if one doesn't know which font is required,
	he should not care about Hanzi in PUA.
My understanding is right? If so, I think, he cannot let
font-config to manage the fonts anymore, because font-config
cannot detect suitable font automatically. Is it small problem?

>> BTW, I don't have CJK unifont including Plane 15 & 16.
>> How do I obtain that?

Thanks again,


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