Re: pango question

Noah Levitt said on Thu, Apr 01, 2004 at 10:52:15AM -0500,:

 > sources. There is no separate module for Tamil that I can see.

Which is what the trouble is about. Pango used to have have separate
modules for each Indic language.

Somewhere along the  line these were merged into  one, and apparently,
other  developers were  not  aware of  either  the move  to merge  the
modules, or that such merger was actually implemented till they got to
see the changelog, that is.

I  think the pango  development process  certainly can  do with  a bit
more communication.

On my part, I can  help update the webpages, (one persistent
complaint is  that pages is  consistently out of  date - for
example, it  now says  that pango 1.2  is released)  provided somebody
tells me where to find the  info to populate the pages with. At least,
tell me what lists to subscribe to, to find the info.

  Mahesh T. Pai, LL.M.,                   
  'NANDINI', S. R. M. Road,               
  Ernakulam, Cochin-682018,               
  Kerala, India.                          

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