Re: Pango & printing?

Akira TAGOH <tagoh gnome gr jp> writes:

> >>>>> On 04 Jul 2002 20:07:20 +0200,
> >>>>> "JCA" == Joaquín Cuenca Abela <cuenca pacaterie u-psud fr> wrote:
> JCA> In which way a Cmap helps getting smaller files?
> Well, the reason is whether to make the font process where.
> if the users has the level 3 printer or installed the latest
> gs-cjk and gs 7.x, can uses the CIDFont and the CMap to
> reduce the size, and no needs to embed the fonts.
> I think we should provide some option for the printing font.

Always embedding provides a huge simplification:

 - We don't need to worry about what fonts are on the

 - We don't need to worry if the fonts on the printer
   match the fonts on the screen.

 - We don't need to worry about level 3 / gs-cjk, etc.

If we subset, the size increase isn't that bad. Windows,
as I understands, always embeds.

Ghostscript should be considered just like an external
printer with unknown fonts, since, at this point,
it looks unlikely that it will be "playing nice" and
using the system font database.


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