Re: Pango & printing?

>>>>> On Wed, 3 Jul 2002 17:39:08 +0200,
>>>>> "CC" == Cyrille Chepelov <cyrille chepelov org> wrote:

CC> What happens if the font is huge (eg: Lucida Unicode), and we actually want
CC> to send only a dozen glyphs? Can we avoid carrying five megs worth of
CC> outlines then?

If you have the PostScript printer supported the level 3 or
you install the gs-cjk on your environment, you can use the
CIDFont and the CMap. it will avoid too big files.

Akira TAGOH  : tagoh gnome gr jp  / Japan GNOME Users Group
at gclab org : tagoh gnome-db org / GNOME-DB Project
             : tagoh redhat com   / Red Hat, Inc.
             : tagoh debian org   / Debian Project

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