Re: libsoup + gsettings-desktop-schemas for server code

Le lundi 03 mars 2014 à 21:08 +0000, Colin Walters a écrit :
On Mon, Mar 3, 2014 at 12:06 PM, Nicolas Dufresne
<nicolas dufresne collabora com> wrote:
An headless deamon can be anything with any use cases. One use case
that I came with, where the dconf model did not work was package

Can you elaborate on the second sentence?

Something that usually go through a proxy in big corporation is http,
because they can do caching. Package managers to tones of HTTP requests
and download, so it absolutely make sense. Though configuring a package
manager to go through a proxy is currently done by reading a
configuration file in /etc. The problem is that as soon as you change
the network, you need to edit that configuration file. As package
managers usually runs as root, and has no use session, it make no sense
to try and use dconf. It also mean that non-technical users can't do
anything about it if it was configured to work in the corporate
environment and don't at home.

It's a wired concept, which got added NM "recently". specifically for the proxy, I think it would make sense to
have a high priority resolver that talks to NetworkManager if

Indeed, but you need to add the proxy settings in NM first.

That may be enough for me - it might be that proxy is the only thing
my headless systems do with GSettings.

I think in the end, the GSettings param should completely go away.

I have never programmed it myself, though it's supported in
nm-connection-editor. Basically you can have multiple settings for
the same wired network. For work laptop, it's often (but not limited
to) a home vs office configuration.

I assume you mean gnome-control-center, that's where the proxy UI is
as far as I can tell.
I don't see anything for talking to NetworkManager or wired profiles
offhand, but I may be missing it.

The control center has no support for network profiles yet, but there is
a bug open about that iirc. nm-connection-editor is a GTK tools that
comes with NM, and is more complete. You'll find how to program profile
out there. That's what I mean. NetworkManager is a d-bus API obviously.


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