Re: [RC] GTK+ 3.4.2/3.6.4 Bundle (Win32)


I know you asked for validation some time back, but I could not get time as yet, sorry.

I have a bit of a very custom build system that mostly uses shell scripts via bash & msys, but it includes:
- making tools (intltool, etc.) more relocatable
- rather build gdk-pixbuf and gtk+ loaders into the libraries (skipping *-query-* commands mostly)
- include other libraries and programs like:
  - gobject-introspection
  - gtk2/gtk3
  - glade for both above
  - webkit and needed stack (not gstreamer and co yet)
- some other odd stuff.

I have been planning to clean it up and make it a bit more modular for ages, but just never get to it, but if 
anybody want to have a look and maybe get some extra ideas (I started back in 2007 by looking at TML's 
stuff), I can put it somewhere.


On 3/7/2013 at  2:43 AM, <tarnyko tarnyko net> wrote:
Hi folks, 

Following the discussion in this previous thread 
(, I 
am very pleased to announce the availability for tests of two Win32 bundles 
 - GTK 3.4.2 / GLib 2.32.2
 built with "GTK+3.4.2_build_system_(v3)"
 - GTK+ 3.6.4 / GLib 2.34.3
 build with "GTK+3.6.4_build_system_(v1)" 

You will find the downloads here : 

Each bundle is a ZIP archive containing among binaries :
 - a README including installation instructions ;
 - a manifest file ;
 - source build scripts with build logs (see "src/tarnyko/scripts/logs"). 

Each build system is a complete MinGW/MSYS environments intended for 
installation on vanilla Windows XP/Vista/7/8. They are very straightforward 
to use if you follow the instructions carefully. They should work 


If you want to test a real-world GTK+3 win32 app with these bundles, please 
grab Glade 3.14.1 here : 

It's an installer without GTK+3, so it always uses the system-wide bundle 
(or the binaries dropped directly in its "bin" folder). 


It's very nice to see GTK+ 3.6.4 working on Windows. Here is a screenshot of 

the new CSS widgets : 

But some resources don't seem to load properly (see red-crossed images in 
"Style Classes" demo). Debug planned... 


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