GTK+ on Win32 devel HowTo

I want to carry to your attention, my little contribute to the GTK+ project: two guides to compile C applications using GTK+ on Win32. Differently from Linux, on Win32 the build tool chain isn't easily configured or standard.

1 - An HowTo for compiling applications with GTK+ using the Cygwin tool chain, but GTK+-win32 2.12 back end. To me seem more familiar to use a complete GNU/Posix environment to develop applications, also when Windows is running.
This guide is thinked for Linux aware users:
(sorry for my bad English)

2 - I also wrote another HowTo to develop using the IDE Dev-C++ (packaged together MinGW) with the GTK+-2.12 devpack.
This guide is thinked for Win32 only users:
In this case, I'm still adding instruction for use pkg-config to automatically generate the correct compile and link options for Dev-C++.

Both instructions are completed with an example to test the tool chain, GTK+ binary runtime links, and packaging instructions.

I'm currently working to update the installers of devel binary packages and instructions to the latest GTK+-2.14 series from When ready I will add other steps to use Glade3/libglade/GtkBuilder on Win32, valid for both approaches.

If you want to comment or correct some imprecisions and errors, surely present, you are welcomed.

Thanks for the Win32 port!

happy to help in some manner,
Valerio Messina

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