Quoting myself from Bug 440431[1]: Applications supporting multiple file formats needs a file-format chooser in their file saving dialog. Several GNOME apps implement very similiar file-format choosers - so it makes sense to me, to add this widget to GTK+. The widget would be used like this: GtkWidget *format_chooser = egg_file_format_chooser_new(); gtk_file_chooser_set_extra_widget(GTK_FILE_CHOOSER(dialog), format_chooser); EggFileFormat *format; format = egg_file_format_new (_("Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG)"), "svg", NULL); egg_file_format_chooser_add_format(EGG_FILE_FORMAT_CHOOSER(format_chooser), format); format = egg_file_format_new (_("Compiliertes Layout (C-Header)"), "h", NULL); egg_file_format_chooser_add_format(EGG_FILE_FORMAT_CHOOSER(format_chooser), format); ... if (GTK_RESPONSE_ACCEPT == gtk_dialog_run (file_chooser)) { EggFileFormat *format = egg_file_format_chooser_get_format (format_chooser); gchar *filename = gtk_file_chooser_get_filename (chooser); if (NULL == format) format = egg_file_format_chooser_guess_by_extension (format_chooser, filename); app_file_format_save (APP_FILE_FORMAT (format), filename); g_free (filename); } Suggested API: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/attachment.cgi?id=88596&action=view http://bugzilla.gnome.org/attachment.cgi?id=88598&action=view Is it OK, to commit this to GTK+? Should I add it to libegg first? Ideas? Suggestions? [1] http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=440431 -- Mathias Hasselmann <mathias hasselmann gmx de> http://taschenorakel.de/
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