Default DND action when multiple actions defined


It doesn't seem possible to achieve the following in GTK+:
- widget accepts GDK_ACTION_COPY and GDK_ACTION_MOVE, but widget has a
*default* action of GDK_ACTION_MOVE (not copy)

I'm trying to get to the following behaviour in Totem:
- dnd on the video canvas defaults to "link" which would clear the
playlist, and add the dropped items to the list. Pressing Ctrl at the
same time would add the items to the playlist.
- dnd on the playlist which would "copy" by default, and only add the
items to the list. Pressing Shift at the same time would replace the
items in the playlist.

Is it possible to do this in GTK+ right now? (in which case, pointers
appreciated, and I'd update the docs to show that)
If not, is it an XDND protocol limitation, or a GTK+ one?


Bastien Nocera <hadess hadess net> 

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