Re: GtkColorPickerButton

On Tue, Mar 18, 2003 at 02:46:40PM -0500, Jody Goldberg wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 18, 2003 at 02:08:54PM -0500, Havoc Pennington wrote:
> > 
> > If you try to use the color combo for the gnome-panel prefs, it will 
> > suck because the common case will take 6-7 steps plus some complexity, 
> > instead of 3-4 simple steps.
> Dunno about that.   Selecting a non-palette colour from the combo
> only adds 1 or 2 (depending on how you count) steps.
>     Combo                      Selector
>     - button down		- button down
>     - drag to custom		- button release
>     - button release
> Then the selector comes up.

If it's done as the OS X one is, where as soon as you close the dialog
the color you chose in the dialog becomes the active one for the
combo/optionmenu, then yes it doesn't add a lot of steps.  I was
thinking you had to edit a palette entry, then go back and choose the
entry you edited. The OS X optionmenu doesn't really have the concept
of editing the palette.

Adding even one step is wrong if we expect 90% of the time people want
an arbitrary color instead of the presets probably, but if we expect
people usually want presets then clearly making the presets faster
would be better.
> > So based on that argument, I would include both widgets.  But some
> > nice docs on when to use each wouldn't hurt.
> I'm not sure there is alot of utility in having distinct widgets.
> The selector is a simple specialization of the combo.  The
> interfaces to get/set colour and potentially querying history should
> be identical.

Right, well that's an implementation question. I'd say we should
decide how many different UIs there are, and then we can figure out
how to write the simplest API/implementation to support that.


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