Re: stock icons to add

Steven Brooks <umbrook0 cs umanitoba ca> writes: 
> I don't see the problem with adding the remainder.  They're not that
> specific.  For example, what makes colorselector icon more acceptable
> than the multimedia icons?  I have as many programs that play sound as
> let me change colours.

The problem is that we don't want an unbounded criteria for inclusion.
i.e. whatever your criteria for including icons, it should not lead to
including an infinite number of icons. ;-)

So, my criteria is "likely to be useful in any kind of application,"
or maybe "not sensible in an application-specific library."  The stock
system is extensible; so you can have a games library, a sound app
library, an email library, etc. that add those sort of icons.
> > stock_book_blue.png
> > stock_book_green.png
> > stock_book_open.png
> > stock_book_red.png
> > stock_book_yellow.png
> These are good generic icons.

What the heck are they for? Has anyone ever used them outside of the
GNOME demo apps?
> > stock_menu_about.png
> I think this should be in there, too.  Help|About is a fairly standard
> place (or should be) to get information about contacting the author.

It's a fried egg. ;-) If it was a bit more meaningful maybe...


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