Re: Gnome/Gtk and thread safety

> What specific uses do you envision for a threaded GUI framework?

I envision a hoard of bad Windows programmers coming over and writing GTK+
applications, and expecting their GUI framework to be thread safe.

Yes, it will happen. No, it's not a bad thing. Why not make sure GTK is
robust enough to handle thread safety in the first place? This is twice as
important when porting Windows applications to GTK...believe me, I've had
my nightmares with don't want to change the basic design of the
app any more than you need to. Changing what threads are doing what is a
BIG design change, and would be necessary to keep all GUI calls in one

I don't think it's wise to say "it's bad coding practice."  Well, of
course it is.  But we need to focus on what is COMMON coding practice, and
coders are sooner or later going to expect to be able to use this.

...and making something thread safe is never a bad idea, is it?

Ryan C. Gordon
Loki Entertainment Software

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