Re: Gnome/Gtk and thread safety

"Ryan C. Gordon" <icculus lokigames com> writes: 
> ...and making something thread safe is never a bad idea, is it?

I'm no threads expert, but my impression is that making GTK
transparently threadsafe would break tons of API (or leave lots of
legacy API that wasn't safe) and would cause a not insignificant
performance hit.

One of the nastiest problems is that for threadsafety you need
everyone to own a reference to all objects they are using at all
times; in this common code the application doesn't own a reference:

 GtkWidget *widget;

 widget = gtk_window_new ();
You'd need to add the reference as follows: 

 widget = gtk_window_new ();
 g_object_ref (widget);

As you probably realize that doesn't work, there's a race condition
where another thread can destroy the window (same thing applies to any
widget). To avoid this condition you have to have all routines that
return objects return a new reference. Needless to say, changing that
would result in all objects in all existing apps being leaked. So
you'd have to introduce gtk_everywidget_new_with_extra_refcount() and
tell people they have to use those variants for threadsafety. Deluxe

We very much would like to have the threadsafety, but it can't be
retrofitted well. I believe this is why it hasn't been done. Any
number of people have suggested "GTK should be threadsafe" but no one
has ever gone through and made a concrete proposal that thinks through
this type of issue and shows how e.g. GtkWidget would end up looking.


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