Re: Scrolling in Entry boxes

On 4 Feb 2000, Owen Taylor wrote:

> Thomas Leonard <> writes:

[ entry scrolling patch ]

> So, you were about a week late. This will be fixed in 1.2.7.
> Thanks anyways,

Typical! Anyway, the reason I finally got annoyed enough to fix it was
that I'm working on a replacement/alternative widget for saving files.

I'm going for a higher level API than the fileselector widget which should
mean that users can choose which save widget they want to use.

My widget supports the XDS protocol (drag-and-drop saving). It provides
three signals:

"save_to_file", gives the application a pathname and expects it to
save there, returning a flag indicating success;

"saved_to_uri", indicates that the data is safely saved - the application
should mark the data as unmodified and update its stored uri for the file;

"save_done", upon which the app should simply hide/destroy the widget.

The idea of separating save_to_file and saved_to_uri is to cope with
the four possible save types:

- Save to local file (both signals emitted)
- Save to local app via a scrap file (only save_to_file)
- Save to remote file (only saved_to_uri)
- Save to remove app (neither emitted)

Hopefully this system will please everyone! If noone has any complaints
then I'll put up the current version of the Savebox widget for people to
try out...

XDS references:

Technical spec: <>
Example/test apps: <>

Thomas Leonard
3rd year computer science
The ROX desktop (free/GPL) :

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