Re: GtkTextBuffer : Applying tags to newly input text

The formats I need to handle are HTML and Markdown, while I could convert
them to Pango markup, it seems redundant to do so.  That said, I was
looking to be able to copy HTML back out from a buffer that's handling HTML
(by parsing it on insert).

I should note, as I haven't already, that my use case here is the input
widget for Pidgin an instant messaging client.  So some networks don't
support any formatting, some do HTML, and others do markdown.  So the way I
have this structured right now is that there's a text table with all the
tags, there's a text view that handles the wysiwyg stuff discussed
previously, and then there's an html buffer that parses the html in the
insert_text handler and applies the tags to that.  That said, I need both
the specific markup and the plain text for a number of scenarios.  So if
there's a way I can have the text view how to do additional parsing that is
mostly likely the direction I'll need to go.


Gary Kramlich <grim reaperworld com>

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