Re: GtkTextBuffer : Applying tags to newly input text

Hi Eric,

I meant to respond sooner but I've been busy.  This worked like a charm!!
Thank you very much.  Not sure how I overloaded
`gtk_text_iter_backward_chars` but yeah that made things way easier.

A followup I've been struggling with though is how to avoid applying this
formatting when rich text is being pasted (I process it and tag it before
calling my parent's `insert_text` method).  I'm using a horrible heuristic
right now of only applying formatting if the `text_len` passed into my
`insert_text` is equal to `1`.  The heuristic here is that the user can
only enter 1 character at a time and you wouldn't have rich text on the
clipboard of only a single character.  This has the side affect that plain
text won't be formatted via the UI buttons.

I've been looking for a way to hook into the clipboard stuff, but that
doesn't seem like it'll fix the original problem of just knowing to not
apply the set formatting when rich text is pasted.

Any suggestions?


Gary Kramlich <grim reaperworld com>

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