Re: Compiling for Windows [Was: argv revisited]

On 05/03/2016 03:26 PM, Lucas Levrel wrote:
By default MXE links statically. So you don't have any dll to bundle
with your app. In such circumstances, what does LGPL say? Do you still
have to provide the GTK source code (given that you don't distribute GTK

IANAL, but if the library machine code is part of the distribution, you
have to distribute the library source code at least upon request. Static
linking additionally means that it must be possible to relink the
application with a modified library, i.e. either source code or linkable
object files for the app using it have to be provided.

For MSYS2, all LGPL dependencies would have to be manually recompiled by
downloading their PKGBUILDs and running makepkg for each package to get
its source.

I thought that if it compiles from source by default anyway, it is
perhaps easier to distribute source code. I haven't tried MXE yet
though. I will try it and see.

I'd like to have one standard GTK+ installer for the GTK+ DLLs etc. that
can be downloaded and installed from other installers, so there is just
one GTK+ installed on Windows instead of one copy of perhaps different
versions of GTK+ for each application.

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