Re: How to confirm a memory leak

Thank you for this.  I have attached the source for the code being tested.

The valgrind report, attached, was greatly pared down,
as a consequence  of your suppression file.

I ran valgrind twice:

1st time: No debug info -- 519 bytes definitely lost
2nd time: With debug info -- 7 bytes definitely lost ## This is the one attached
Both times contained a
    Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s) ).

It seems the debug version is less confusing for valgrind, or

*** Does the debug code actually present different source code to the compiler?

You mention, below, that I may need to add a few suppressions, but before
adding another suppression, I got this far with the debug info:

In /usr/src/debug/glib-2.48.1/gio/gdbusproxy.c

LoadPropertiesOnNameOwnerChangedData *data;
data = g_new0 (LoadPropertiesOnNameOwnerChangedData, 1);
data->name_owner = g_strdup (new_owner); //<=== line 1391 Leak

So it appears that data->name_owner is not being freed.
From the subsequent call of g_dbus_connection_call, it seems
that data is being considered as user data, so is being expected
to be freed by whoever allocated it.  In fact, deallocation is happening,
since only data's "name_owner" field is not being freed.

In /usr/src/debug/glib-2.48.1/glib/gmem.h

#define g_new0(struct_type, n_structs) _G_NEW (struct_type, n_structs, malloc0)

but this is where I lost things, as the _G_NEW macro is rather confusing, so I
did not get to the code that is deallocating "data".

In summary (and I hope the above is not too much analysis in a post):

   *** Why would "data" be deallocated, but not its "name_owner" field?

On 30/07/16 06:58 AM, jcupitt gmail com wrote:
You need to set the malloc routines to use the real system malloc;

         export G_DEBUG=gc-friendly
         export G_SLICE=always-malloc

I have this suppressions file:

That's for a gobject-based library, you might need to add a few things
to it. Run your program with:

          valgrind --suppressions=libvips.supp --leak-check=yes ./myprogram

And hopefully you'll see "0 bytes definitely lost".


On 28 July 2016 at 17:18, Norman Goldstein <normvcr telus net> wrote:
I'd like to understand how to confirm a potential memory leak in gtk3.
Valgrind shows a definite leak, and "top" shows a steadily increasing
resident set size (RES).  However, as I have come to understand, due to how
gtk/glib uses slices for memory management, and how the main loop of gtk
plays a part, things are not as straightforward as I have just outlined.  Is
there a definitive guide, "How to confirm a memory leak in GTK"?  I have
only seen various relevant pages on the net.
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