Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Getting a Cairo context


On 27 March 2015 at 10:22, Lucas Levrel <llevrel yahoo fr> wrote:

- draw your "background" on bare_pixmap

- when you have to redraw, just copy bare_pixmap to full_pixmap, add
  to full_pixmap, then display it:

  (add stuff to full_pixmap)
  gdk_draw_drawable(d_area->window, copy_gc, full_pixmap, x, y, x, y,

Where copy_gc has been defined this way:
  GdkGC *copy_gc=d_area->style->fg_gc[GTK_WIDGET_STATE (d_area)];

This is really GTK+ 2.x only, and even then it's pretty much X11-only.

It works in Windows, cross-compiled in Linux with "mxe" (MinGW cross env).

It works in Windows because GDK has essentially reimplemented bits of
X11 in the Windows backend. :-)

In practice, though, it's only as tested as the equivalent X11
concepts, and when they don't match to Windows concepts, that's where
bugs lie in wait.

Pixmaps are really Cairo surfaces, these days, and GCs are Cairo
contexts. The widget state is part of the GtkStyleContext, and the
gtk_render_* API substitute the background rendering. Even for GTK+
2.x API you should not be using gdk_draw_* and GdkGC API at all,
unless your code is supposed to work with GTK+ 2.6.

It is supposed to use the latest GTK+ 2 (2.24 I guess).

After GTK 2.8, you should be using the Cairo API for everything; some

I'm eager to read a tutorial on GTK2 programming. I think I never found one,
so I'm using the reference manuals, which is a rather tough way to learn
indeed. (gtk-demo doesn't have examples of what I need)

You likely won't ever see a GTK 2 programming tutorial that is both up
to date and maintained, considering that GTK 2 is in deep maintenance
mode, and all the work goes towards developing (and documenting) GTK

A good idea of what's needed to make your GTK 2 code use at least the
latest API in the 2.x series is to look at the GTK 2.x → 3.x migration

This will help you drop the use of deprecated API, like the gdk_draw_* one.


[ ] ebassi [ gmail com]

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