Re: final gtk+maverick battles

On Sun, Feb 16, 2014 at 10:30 PM, Bric <bric flight us> wrote:
("Unity" completely and majorly sucks, by the way.  And the upgrade has
wiped out major settings, like /etc/bash.bashrc (!??), gnome panels, and
lots more!)

Unrelated to your main issues, but I'll put in a plug for Xfce. When
Ubuntu went to Unity, I jumped to Debian, which was using GNOME 2.
When Debian upgraded to GNOME 3, I switched to Xfce, and that's where
I'm now happy (Debian Wheezy or Jessie with Xfce). You can probably
just 'sudo apt-get install xfce' or similar, or you can download
Xubuntu which uses it by default.


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