Re: Can I install both GTK+2 and GTK+3?

On Thu, 16 May 2013 19:40:02 -0700 (PDT)
David Buchan <pdbuchan yahoo com> wrote:

Rumour on the street (I *think* I read it somewhere) is that I can install both libgtk2.0-dev and 
libgtk-3-dev. Is that true? Can they both be installed without interfering with each other, and without 
breaking Unity?

The 'plain' gtks by themselver are not a problem. I still have gtk 1.4, gtk 2.0 and 
now gtk-3.0 installed. Some minor problems come up, not because of any problem 
between them, but because newer versions of other libraries don't always agree 
with the older gtks. In most cases these problems are documented and can be 
solved fairly easily.

I cannot vouch for Unity though. Ubuntu uses a 'doctored' gtk library, and I
doubt that there will be much people maintaining the older libraries to have
them compatible with quirks of unity. You should consult that on a Ubuntu forum.


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