GtkAssistant "apply" signal

Hey list,

During handling of the "apply" signal in my GtkAssistant, what is the
recommended way of stopping the assistant from advancing to the next
page if my code would like to abort the apply transitioning to the next
page automatically? I am aware of the set_page_complete() function,
however I don't actually know if the page is ready to transition to the
next page until the apply button is actually pressed.

What I'm doing now if I ever want to stop the "apply" signal
transitioning to the next page is to run the following in the "apply"
signal callback where currentPageIndex is the index of the assistant
page containing the apply button.

  assistant.set_current_page(currentPageIndex - 1)

This works, excepts it has an obnoxious side effect. This makes the
'previous' button transition to ghost pages however many times the above
'apply' code is run if the user clicks 'previous' on the page containing
the apply button. By ghost page, I mean clicking previous goes back, but
the page doesn't actually change, only on the left page list in the

Kip Warner -- Software Engineer
OpenPGP encrypted/signed mail preferred

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