Re: regarding IconView use

I don't know why it regressed in 3.4.x (but the person who fixed it
must have an idea ;-))

In master it's working just fine in the demo, I presume 3.8 is also fine
too, not sure about 3.6 as I haven't checked it.

A guess about 2.24, is that in 2.24 we didn't have height-for-width
geometry management built into GTK+, so allocating the icon view
would cause a relayout of the items, causing another request to
occur, causing another allocation to occur.

I have a feeling that the bug you are seeing in 2.24 is an infinite
relayout of the icon view where the icon view would be one item
wider without the scrollbar, and one item narrower with the scrollbar
(allocating with one less column causes more height to be required,
causing the vertical scrollbar to appear)... I've seen something
similar to that effect (and struggled to get it right near 3.0 release

In any case, that has always been a delicate issue (with scrolled
windows and height-for-width aware widgets), I'm pretty sure the
bug was not always there in GTK+ 2.x, so if it's reproducible, there
should be a bug filed for it.


On Tue, Apr 23, 2013 at 11:08 PM, Colomban Wendling <
lists ban herbesfolles org> wrote:


Le 23/04/2013 15:01, Tristan Van Berkom a écrit :
It's not the expected behaviour.

GtkIconView lays out it's icons based on the available/allocated width,
unless the "columns" property is explicitly set, it always has.

It's possible that there was a bug earlier on in 3.x (3.2 ? 3.4 ?), but
if you see ./tests/testiconview you will find icons that layout properly
(and I'm sure GtkIconView was working properly in 3.0.0, since I made
sure of that).
There is indeed an issue on (Debian's) 3.4.2.  gtk2-demo (2.24.10)
reflows just fine, but gtk3-demo don't.

Though on a somewhat unrelated topic, while trying (in gtk-demo, GTK
2.24) to resize the icon demo toplevel back and forth to see it
reflowing properly, I made if freeze.  Apparently it's quite easy to
make it enter some kind of infinite loop by just resizing the toplevel
quite rapidly, and that's a bug I guess :)  No idea where it comes from
though, the backtrace shows some signal emission, some icon view layout
and alike.  It looks something like if the layout code went into a state
where it can't succeed or something, and always tries to recompute
something.  Not quite sure though.

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