Re: Slow combo box when adding 500 rows

Just to round up,
I installed LinuxMint 13 (with Cinnamon Desktop), and the combo box
loads very, very fast on this installation, with both gtk2 and gtk3.
This is a huge difference compared to my Ubuntu 12.04 partition.

I tried to fix Ubuntu by upgrading its "linux 3.2.generic-pae" kernel
to "linux 3.4 generic", but it did not help. So there's something
inside Ubuntu that is the  hindrance.

$ dpkg -l | egrep -i "dbg|debug"

Anyway, this is a happy ending.
LinuxMint13 runs like a dream on this 8-core Toshiba Satellite L755 laptop.

Osmo Antero
ps. audio-recorder;

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