appened to this main is Part....

        here in the 2nd button that runs the editor increases the
        file[N].txt count, and voices what the user typed.

        how can do do this is an endless loop so that user doesn't
        have the stress of moving fingers from keyboard to mouse
        each time?  it can bed an infinite loop or something large
        like 100 to 500 typings; i'm assuming this would be some
        serious discussing.

        thanks for any insights.


        ps: i'm thinking of having two horiz buttons: one for a
        click-at-a-time, and the other for chat endlessly....
        OH: and another that would end the chat wsithout Quit'ing
        the app.

        Appended: run__button_click_cb()

 Gary Kline  kline thought org  Public Service Unix

run_button_click_cb (GtkButton * button)
   extern int counter;
   gboolean matchWithinString(char *argument, char *pattern);
   gchar *editString =  EDITCMD;   // gvim -c startinsert 
   extern char voice[];
   int done = FALSE, fret,i,  sret;
   extern char titlebuffer[];

   memset (&titlebuffer, 0, sizeof titlebuffer);

   gtk_widget_set_sensitive (GTK_WIDGET (button), FALSE);

   sprintf(accessbuf, "%s%s", VBCPATH, ifbuf); 
   sprintf(editcmd, "%s %s", editString, accessbuf);
   system(editcmd );  //run_button_cb

   gtk_widget_set_sensitive (GTK_WIDGET (button), TRUE);

   while (done == 0)

     if ((fret = file_exist(accessbuf)))  // accessbuf is /home/kline./VBC/talk.[N].txt
        done = 1;
  done = 0;

  sprintf(voice, "%s %s %s %s %s -f %s %s | %s", ESPEAK, A1,PITCH,SPEED,LANG, ifbuf,OUT,APLAY);

    while (!done)
       sret = system(voice);
       if (sret != 0)
          done = 0;
          done = 1;
   counter++;  // inc talk.[N].txt to talk[N+1].txt

   Update label to show updated counter

   if (prefix)
        sprintf (ifbuf, "%s%c%d%s", prefix, DOT, counter, suffix);
        sprintf (ifbuf, "%d%s", counter, suffix);
        //fprintf (stdout, "\nDEBUG: internsl filename = [%s]\n", ifbuf);

   update_label ();  

   if (counter >= 1)
        if (prefix)
             g_snprintf (titlebuffer, 1023, "<span foreground=\"red\" 
background=\"yellow\"size=\"x-large\">%s%c%d%s</span>", prefix, DOT, counter, suffix);
             g_snprintf (titlebuffer, 1023, "<span foreground=\"red\" background=\"yellow\" 
size=\"x-large\">%d%s</span>", counter, suffix); }
        gtk_label_set_markup (GTK_LABEL (label), titlebuffer);

   //gtk_widget_set_sensitive (GTK_WIDGET (button), FALSE);

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