Catching right-click for all widgets in a GtkBox


This question seems to have been asked before [1] and never really
solved.  The scenario is as follows.  I have a GtkBox acting as a
toolbar and holding various widgets (buttons, a slider, a label, and a
volume slider), some of which may be hidden at times.  I want to show a
pop-up menu when the user right-clicks anywhere in the toolbar.  I can
connect to the "button-press-event" signal on all the buttons, and I can
further put the entire GtkBox within a GtkEventBox to catch the
"button-press-event" on any unused space.  But this gives somewhat
erratic behavior.  For one thing, when a button is insensitive, neither
the button nor the event box receive the signal.  For another,
right-clicking on the slider sends the signal to the event box, but
afterwards, calls to gtk_range_set_value have no effect on the slider.

I'm thinking there must be a cleaner way to do this, which I've missed.

-- John

[1] gnome org/msg28370.html

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