Re: Memory leaks

On 10 Feb 2011, at 11:36, Freddie Unpenstein wrote:

I really don't want to have to sit around for an extra 10-20 seconds while a closing application crawls 
along pulling data from swap space for no particularly good reason, when the OS could have simply marked 
those pages as available and been done with it.

Which is exactly the reason why it should be optional.

FWIW I came to gtk+ about 18 months ago after programming in MFC for almost 2 decades.  gtk+ was quite a 
steep learning curve after the beautiful simplicity of MFC and I wouldn't by any means claim to have mastered 
gtk+.  However, I've come to realise that the rewards of working with gtk+ are well worth persevering with 
the steep (and sometimes not very intuitive) learning curve.  I'd have to say though that the difficulty of 
tracking my memory leaks is the  first thing that's seriously made me question my move to gtk+.


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